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Dr. Kendall is an extremely knowledgeable and trusted public health expert with the utmost integrity. He was my most valued public health adviser, helping to develop actions that have been emulated across North America and saved thousands of lives. Dr. Kendall presented his advice in a clear voice that recognized the difficult choices policy makers confront in the face of limited resources. I highly recommend Dr. Kendall as a consultant to any organization or government.

- Hon. Terry Lake, BC Minister of Health 2013-2017

It’s hard to believe Perry is actually retiring as PHO.

He has had such a varied and impressive career.

Perry in every endeavour brought wisdom and thoughtful solutions to issues. 

He had a particular concern for those on the margins, which must be the first priority of Pubic Health, and he was highly respected for his skill and integrity. 

While one could give many examples,  I would highlight his work as provincial co-chair of the Public Health Network Council.  In this he was key to successfully building and navigating an effective collaboration of Provincial, Territorial and  Federal Governments in addressing a range of complex Public health problems and issues. Notable among these was the coordinated planning and response that supported Canada’s success in effectively stopping the H1 Pandemic before Christmas. 

The people of the Province of British Columbia, and Canada, are the beneficiaries of his distinguished career.



-Dr. David Jones MD MHSc, LLD(hc)



Dr. Kendall has been a committed and courageous advocate for bettering First Nations and Indigenous peoples' health and wellness in B.C. for many years. He is also a good friend and a partner in the work to transform our health system.

Dr. Evan Adams, chief medical officer, First Nations Health Authority

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